Hello everybody! In this blog I will give my opinion about my study program.

In general, I like the curriculum that the University has, however I feel that subjects such as Diagnostics demand a lot of time, and in the exams many contents are evaluated, which prevents that all classes can be studied correctly and that there is a real learning process. For example, there is a unit called Physiology, where we are taught about all the functioning of the human body, which I think is good and helps us to better understand all the processes that occur, however, in practice and in subjects later, only a small part of everything taught is occupied. I think it would be better to deliver less material and focused on odontology, in order to study in a better way and not with an overload, and in this way the learning would be much better.

On the other hand, although online classes have boring me, I think that I have learned and I have taken love to the career. However, despite all the efforts of the university, I believe that it could not continue with another year in this way, since in a career such as dentistry a lot of practice is necessary, and it is not useful to study a lot without applying it.

So far, I have liked the teaching methods, because teachers give opportunities to resolve our doubts, because, for example, they open question forums and most of them tell us to send an email with any questions or concerns.

Thanks for reading, see you on the next blog! :)


  1. Strongly agree, many information for a single test we do not understand all the matter and it is not the only branch that we have.

  2. I also think like you, there is too much information that goes into the evaluations :(

  3. Dentistry requires fine motor development, let’s hope this pandemic end as soon as posible to have more hand-on activities.

  4. Hi Thomi! I agree with what you wrote especially with the part that dentistry is a career that requires a lot of practice, I hope that soon as possible we can go to classes normally!!!

  5. i totally agree bro, I hope this pandemic ends soon and everything returns to normal so we will be able to learn how it´s supposed to be.

  6. yea, i agree with you, the online classes are so bored and we just can't integrate the information if we don't have the posibility of apply it. i only wish that this situation change soon :(


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